Life In A Bottle, LLC
Because you are worth it!!!
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Life In A Bottle, LLC
Because you are worth it!!!
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Immune Booster is a delicious naturally sweet and tangy blend of oranges, apples and lemons
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Are you Tired, Sick, Overweight, or just Lacking Energy?
Do you wish you could look and feel years younger?
Then unlock the power of our fresh all-natural 100% organic life-enhancing juices found in each bottle of Life In A Bottle!
Why should you drink it?
Because You Are Worth It!
Our Juices come in 12 oz (and 16 oz upon request) tamper-proof bottles: For only $6.00 each
Don't miss our six-pack special - Buy 5 bottles of any flavor and get one free!
KALE YEAH! Kale-Aid is available again!
Get your free sample at one of our three locations.
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Check out our Spring/Summer line of 100% Natural, Fresh, and Delicious Vegetables, Fruits, Spices Juices
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